Divorce Lawyer. Divorce Attorney, Law Firm. Divorce with a foreigner - The services of a lawyer Ukraine
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Bringing the petition on divorce in Ukraine is quite simple and does not require separation and/or proving any difficulties of spouses’ relationships.

Article 24 of the Family Code of Ukraine states that marriage shall be based on a free consent of a women and men. Forcing a women and men into a marriage is not permitted.

Article 110 of the Family Code of Ukraine establishes the right of one of spouses to take a legal action for marriage dissolution.

The court pronounces the decision on marriage dissolution if it is ascertained that spouses’ continued living together and preservation of marriage would not be in essential interests of one of spouses, the interests of their children (Article 112 of the Family Code of Ukraine).

If you found out that your marriage has no chance to survive we can assist you in its termination in most efficient manner.

There are two possible proceedings on marriage dissolution.

First - if the couple have no common children and property, they can register the divorce in RAGS upon their mutual consent and personal appearance of both of spouses.

Second - if only one of the spouse is willing to terminate the marriage, he or she shall apply to the court and court may grant the divorce in the absence of other party.

The standard divorce procedure in Ukrainian courts takes around 1-2 months, and our fees are estimated at around USD 500-1000 (not including travel expenses, state, notary duties and translation if applicable).

In court practice, divorce petition is considered separately from property division and maintenance issues.

To apply to the court for the divorce on your behalf we will need the following info and documents:

Date and place of birth of the both spouses (preferably with copies of the passports);

Place of residence of both of spouses;

Date and place of marriage (copy of marriage certificate if available);

Power of Attorney for representation your interests in the court verified with Apostille (we will provide you with the draft).


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Відгуки про адвоката

testimonial author Олег Дорошин

"Проживши з дружиною вже дуже великий період часу, я зрозумів що любов пройшла, але нажите за цей час майно нас тримало, однак межа перетнулась і завдяки вчасно найнятому фахівцю, ми з дружиною змогли поділити нажите майно таким чином, що це не зачепило нічиїх інтересів, і тепер я знову можу жити отримуючи задоволення. Висловлюю подяку Олексію Миколайовичу Скрябіну!"

Дізнатися як зі мною зв'язатись, та залишити повідомлення через форму зворотнього зв'язку Ви маєте можливість Натиснувши тут

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